Cheating recovery process

Cheating recovery process

Get professional help for Extramarital Affair recovery!

But beyond talking to those who have experienced infidelity in their marriages, it helps to get professional help. The feelings that arise after the discovery of an issue are often so overwhelming that it is difficult to know what to do to start recovering the marriage.

A good marriage therapist or a marriage education class can help lead the way. But be sure to seek help that is “marriage friendly.” Some therapists believe that infidelity destroys the fabric of a relationship that can not be repaired. These therapists declare dead marriages upon arrival. It is essential that you get a good reference if you want your marriage to recover.

Cheating recovery process – 3 phases

Visual SciTech Eye

1. The crisis phase


The first phase of recovery after infidelity occurs when the deception is revealed or discovered. The initial shake and profound betrayal can rock your confidence, and make you feel that everything you’ve ever known is collapsing.

It is important to recognize that this is a phase and whether or not you will have to go through this. This tough time will pass, and you will move on to the next stage.


Do not make any decisions at this time about what to do with your relationship. Take care of yourself, your family and keep those critical decisions for a while. When the chaos has slowed down enough for you to breathe and look around, you can start thinking more about whether or not you want to stay with your partner and start a new, stronger relationship.


Initially, after female or male infidelity, it may be difficult for you to imagine a new shared future. The only person you used in the past to support you when you were hurt by something is now the person who causes you pain. It may seem that there is no one to turn. Now you can think about your relationship as a response instead of its strength. You can feel sun @ and confused. It is possible that for a long time you have thought of your partner as a support in your life, and all that time of innocence before discovering the matter.


There is a time lapse in the grieving process. Your partner who had the adventure knew about infidelity since it began.

You are just starting to discover infidelity; An entirely different point from your partner. You have only begun to catch up.



The role of punishment

A grieving process is normal after an adventure. As the grieving process progresses, many emotions will possibly arise, including anger, fear, denial, and, finally, acceptance. You feel as if you are suffering death, and in many ways, it is. You are experiencing the old vision of your marriage or relationship. This is true if you decide to stay in the relationship or move on.

The couple must regret their losses if they are going to build a new marriage. The pain is caused by the loss of a future that you thought you were going together. Regardless of the ideas you had about how you could grow as a couple, retire, have grandchildren or travel the world, infidelity has now cast doubt on that vision of a shared future.

Grief is a process of letting go of that vision. And, curiously, pain has a way of making room for a different future if you choose to create that possibility of going forward.


For the process to be productive and safe:

Both parties must commit to the discovery process after the matter and commit to being safe enough for the process.

1. Check the limits for discovery:
According to no verbal or physical abuse.
• Agree not to talk for more than 2 hours or after 10:00 at night. Your ability to control emotions will be limited if you are tired.
• Speak in a public place to maintain control.
• Make the goal of having a rational conversation an emotional conversation.
• Do not talk with your children present.


Temporary insanity is the only healthy response.

Because betrayal is so threatening to marriage and so devastating, many people feel that they are losing their heads. When they learn that their wives have been cheating. They can not eat, sleep, work, think or function in any substantial way. This causes another layer of worry and doubts that often leads to depression and anxiety.

It is important to know that discovering that one’s spouse is cheating can be extremely traumatic. Current research suggests that betrayed spouses have symptoms similar to post-traumatic stress syndrome. It is a significant loss and, as with most injuries, betrayal is extraordinarily disorienting and distressing.

You’re not alone.

When infidelity occurs, the betrayed spouse feels alone and alone, but it is essential to keep in mind that countless people have experienced the same problem and have felt the same way.

This offers little comfort when you first learn about your spouse’s affair, but over time, you can remove the feeling of feeling so out of place.

It would be wonderful if everyone kept their wedding vows, but the truth is that it does not happen. It should, but it does not. There are good news is that there is a lot of support available because many people have walked in their shoes and can empathize with your feelings.

Without setting the proper boundaries and guidelines, violent emotions will hijack the process and delay healing after an adventure. I have provided my suggested guidelines for the discovery. These are not written in stone. Each situation is different, but I hope at least to help create a safe container for the process. Remember that the goal of discovery is to improve things, not make them worse.

Couples in recovery need other shared experiences beyond dealing with infidelity; They also need regular interactions and positive experiences. You can not deal with the negative aspects of cheating all the time, but you can not fill them in and avoid facing the situation without those feelings reappearing like anger, critical spirit, disconnection, depression, etc.

We enter into a relationship, everything seems to be perfect and magical, and we hope it will last forever. However, most relations experience difficulties at some point. And occasionally, in stormy stages, one can fall into infidelity of one of the parties, which can represent a great challenge for the couple.

Visual SciTech Eye

2. The comprehension phase (or Insight)


The second phase of recovery after infidelity is the phase of understanding (or deep understanding), and you will recognize it when you begin to see how the issue happened. This second phase of recovery comes after the crisis phase has subsided and you have overcome your confusion and intense anger.

Although it can be a stressful time, this phase will help you experience empathy for others and may give you hope for the future if you decide that you want to remain in your marriage. You still can not know if you want things to work in the long term, but you can do some of the work in your past to find out.


Understanding infidelity and how it happened will help you get a clearer picture of what drove both of you to this point in their lives. This means that both need to explore the meaning of infidelity. During this second phase of recovery, you can begin to ask yourself where your responsibility lies for what happened in your relationship. It is not about looking for guilty parties, but a time to deconstruct (deconstruct) the issue and the history of your marriage or relationship, to find out where the roots of infidelity began.

Beginning to understand infidelity can answer many of the questions you may feel are still unanswered. A part of your frustration can be alleviated at that moment, and you can be ready to make some decisions about your relationship in the future.


Overcome the Blame

If both are willing to move toward healing, you will notice that a change occurs. Instead of polarizing the good spouse or spouse, the two will begin to realize that each one shares responsibility for what happened in their relationship before infidelity. There was probably a lousy dynamic in your marriage that contributed to your partner’s infidelity. When they begin to become aware of this shared dynamic, the recovery process becomes a shared experience between the two. The matter may even eventually go from being “your business” or “my business” to being “our business.”


When you begin to feel this change, it means that you are moving towards the next stage of your recovery after infidelity. You move from the Deep Understanding phase to the Vision phase, where you are ready to consider a new future and a new relationship together. | See: How to Recover a Man |


Visual SciTech Eye

3. The Future Vision Phase


When you reach the third phase of recovery after infidelity, the vision phase, it is time to make decisions about whether to stay together or let it go and move on with your life. Here you will decide about whether or not it is possible to create a new future with your partner. To do this, you should be clear about what you want in your new relationship.

Start again after infidelity, as opposed to the prevailing opinion that cheating has to mean the end of a relationship. Marriage as we know it is changing in our world and our culture. Our ability to remain monogamous is increasingly difficult at a time when cheating is easier than ever. Marriage as we know it will be different by the end of this century. Couples who manage to stay together and make it work will be those who decide to create fluency and flexibility in their associations and find ways to make monogamy work for them.

I hope that after reading this Cheating Detector Post you have it clear that it is not easy to recover after infidelity, it is a long process, but in the end, it is necessary to go healing wounds and mature as a couple as well as individually.


There are specific methods to save the relationship. Point number one is to ask yourself if you want to keep it. To recover from an infidelity problem, you have to be willing to solve specific problems.

If one of the two spouses is not ready or prefers to take distance from rancor. Then there will be no way to repair the situation unless both are willing to try. Take some time away from the other before deciding if you want to recover the relationship.

The distanced time is necessary for both of you to think about what happened. You need to have an open mind to begin the recovery process, and that takes time, not just a few days. If you think you can solve it quickly, you are probably cheating yourself and condemn the relationship to failure.

When you feel your mind has calmed down and both are ready, it’s time to sit down and talk. Talk because you think infidelity happened. Find out what generated it and analyze if the reason could be prevented in the future.

The problem is only two. Do not try to involve the third party in discord, or family and friends. Be clear that the problem is in the couple, and not in external factors.

Talk about your feelings since the infidelity occurred. Surely it was not easy to discover that your partner was unfaithful. He or she will have to recognize and know what you experienced during the discovery process.

If you think your relationship is worth it, do not be apprehensive and contemplate seeing a professional guide you during this process. A therapist or psychologist can help you work on your emotions and concerns. You could even prepare a program of action on how to recover your relationship.

Every case is different, and a professional can identify what will work best for you.

If both are willing, they can solve the problems of infidelity in their relationship. Recovery is faster if the two parties involved have the motivation and desire to talk about their feelings to work together.

Even if you think, it is impossible to save your marriage, it will take time and a lot of communication and in-depth analysis, but it is possible to achieve it. Remember, forgiveness is one of the most precious ways to show others how much you love them.

About the Author

By admin / Administrator, bbp_keymaster

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on Dec 11, 2018

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